😁DIY Make a Popsicle Stick Apple Picture Frame Craft Showcase Yearly School Photos😉 Crafting with Joan

DIY Make a Popsicle Stick Apple Picture Frame Craft Showcase Yearly School Photos

How to Display School Photos and other ways to put them to use! Make a  Popsicle Stick Apple Picture Frame. Display those cute first-day-of-school pictures with this easy back-to-school popsicle stick frame craft. Popsicle Photo Frame is an easy Dollar Tree Craft idea; grab two packs of popsicle craft sticks and some hot glue! Do you pay tons of money for school photos and then have them sit in your filing. A Simple and Easy DIY Craft using Popsicle Stick to create Ways to Showcase Yearly School Photos. It is quick to make; the kids will love seeing their photos displayed.

DIY Photo Frame display with popsicle sticks.

How to make Photo Frames with popsicle sticks

How do you make a DIY picture frame with wooden popsicle sticks? Picture Frame. Paint these Super ice cream sticks with fun patterns, and decorate them with buttons or stickers.


  • Glue four craft popsicle sticks together to form a square.
  • Repeat step one to make a second square.
  • Let the glue dry completely.
  • Paint both squares. …
  • Decorate the squares using Elmer’s 3D Washable Paint Pens™. …
  • Glue the two squares together back to back.



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